Membership Information You have selected the Associate membership level. Membership for Registered Technicians (if they choose not to be a full member), Non-registered Technicians, Residents and Interns, Allied Professions. The price for membership is $60.00 and will be activated at the time of payment. Membership expires on March 31, 2026. Account Information Username * Password * Show Password Confirm Password * First Name * Last Name * Email Address * Confirm Email Address * Full Name LEAVE THIS BLANK Already have an account? Log in here Profile Information Credentials * Relationship to the Prosthetics and Orthotics Field. Volunteer I am interested in volunteering in the following capacity: On a Committee - (for example ADP, NIHB, Education, Nominations, Governance, etc) Organizing education events Join Our Mailing List Newsletter & ADP Updates Would you like to set up automatic renewals? Yes, renew at The price for membership is $60.00 and will be activated at the time of payment. Payment Information Card Number Expiration Date CVC I agree to the OAPO Membership Terms and Conditions * Processing...